
Minggu, 28 Juni 2009

What a Choleric Need.

It's sunday at night. I was stay online while most everybody sleeping. I'm with my sister. She's accompanying me. Thanks, sis.

Okey, let's go to the topic. Similar as the title. I want to share a little bit about my personality. I'm a choleric person. Do you know what choleric means?. I guess you have already know. If you interest to psychology litterature you'll find out that our personality is divided into 4 types: sanguinis, pleghmatis, melancholic, and choleric. Melancholic is the most popular term everybody have already know. Because it's used in the daily conversation. When we want to call our calm, introvert friend we oftenly use Melancholic term. Like, "Hey, Tono is a melancholic person, he easily gets cry when saw korean sad drama".

But, i'm not a melancholic person. I'm the opposite of that. How do i know?. Yeah..i take several personality quizess in the magazine and also facebook :p (sounds funny). But, i'm pretty sure that the quizess show the right result. Maybe, as long as it's proved with my arrogant behavior and the disatisfied feeling.
Yeah...choleric person is a person with a critecria like: ambitious, arrogant, easily get angry, and labil. Yeah...it's so me!.

But, choleric is not so bad anyway. There are still many good behaviour that a choleric have, like: independent, never give up, and cekatan (i don't know what the english of 'cekatan').

Despite of it's benefit, i want to minimize the disadvantage of choleric bad beahviour (dominant, arrogant, and unsympathized). Yeahh....i think the choleric needs to lower his ego a little bit. Just a little bit. Through my experience in dailiy live, i can mingle with my friend eventhough i'm egois becaude i try to minimize my ego.

The choleric must realize that he/she is'nt the only one creature in the world. The chorelic is prohibited to be arrogant. There are still many person who are better than us.

Yeah...that statements reminds me. I don't want to be so arrogant and dominan again. Because being arrogant and dominant won't make me happy.

Good night,

by: a sober choleric :)

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